Delete Coursera Account

How to Delete Coursera Account?

You can delete your account by following these steps:

  1. Go to and login to your account.
  2. Navigate to the help articles section and click on any article to open it.
  3. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the “Still Need Help? Submit A Support Request!” link.
  4. Select “My Account or Logging in” from the first drop down menu.
  5. Now select “I Want to Deactivate My Account” from the second drop down menu.
  6. Click on the “I Still Need Help” button/link at the bottom.
  7. In the message field, ask support that you want them to delete your account permanently. Don’t forget to include your full name and the email address of your account.
  8. Click ‘Submit’.

Also, don’t forget to delink your Facebook account if you used the Facebook login option to create an account and access the site.
